Mon, 3 June 2024

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Chartered Insurance Institute launches new flexible working guide

Chartered Insurance Institute | Chartered Insurance Institute

1 min read Partner content

The Chartered Insurance Institute has today launched a new guide for firms looking to introduce flexible working to their employees. 

The guidelines have been produced in response to a change of legislation in 2014, which gives employees the right to request flexible working arrangements once they have reached 26 weeks consecutive service.

It aims to help business owners and those in related HR roles to successfully navigate the process surrounding flexible working requests.

The organisation hopes it will support companies in designing a flexible working policy.

Daniel Pedley, public affairs manager at the CII, said: “Implementing flexible working practices is often perceived as awkward and problematic by many business owners, yet the benefits of working this way are evident.

“Employers who introduced flexible working arrangements have reported a reduction in sickness absence and recruitment costs (due to reduced staff turnover) coupled with a boost to employee motivation and overall productivity. Flexible working has an unfair reputation and we want to counteract this.

“A happy workforce is a successful workforce, so empowering businesses to make the transition into flexible working smoothly and painlessly is something the CII is absolutely committed to.”

Find out more and download the full CII guide to getting started with flexible working here

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Read the most recent article written by Chartered Insurance Institute - Surge in insurance apprenticeships




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