Sat, 1 June 2024

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How the next Government can start planning for growth Partner content
Britain’s Chemical Industry Fuelling UK Growth: A Plan for the Next Government Partner content
This is manifestly the moment for dementia to be made a priority Partner content
How the UK can unlock the opportunities of the global expansion of offshore wind Partner content
Press releases

Cadent welcomes the Prime Minister’s ambition for a Green Industrial Revolution


1 min read Partner content

We will continue to work with the government and partners to support the plan and delivery of our country’s green ambitions.

Cadent welcomes the Prime Minister’s ambition for a Green Industrial Revolution, set out today in his 10 point plan.

These bold commitments will ensure that the UK is a leader in developing a cleaner, greener economy with the creation of jobs across the country.

We have long championed a whole-system approach to tackling climate change and are delighted to see hydrogen and carbon capture storage highlighted as key to decarbonising our economy. 

Cadent's current trial demonstrating the delivery of hydrogen into the home will make a strong basis for the hydrogen neighbourhoods. We will continue to work with the government and partners to support the plan and delivery of our country’s green ambitions.

Associated Organisation
Engineering a Better World

The Engineering a Better World podcast series from The House magazine and the IET is back for series two! New host Jonn Elledge discusses with parliamentarians and industry experts how technology and engineering can provide policy solutions to our changing world.

NEW SERIES - Listen now

Partner content
Connecting Communities

Connecting Communities is an initiative aimed at empowering and strengthening community ties across the UK. Launched in partnership with The National Lottery, it aims to promote dialogue and support Parliamentarians working to nurture a more connected society.

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