Sat, 1 June 2024

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CIOB Reaction to Government’s Developer Remediation Contract announcement

Chartered Institute of Building

1 min read Partner content

Eddie Tuttle, director of policy, external affairs and research at the Chartered Institute of Building, said:

“Today’s announcement by the Government, which echoes the findings by Dame Judith Hackitt in her independent review of building regulations and fire safety, is one that we very much welcome. The Grenfell Tower fire and the subsequent public inquiry highlighted the consequences of deregulation and paved the way for the Building Safety Act, but it also revealed the extent to which profit was being prioritised over building quality and safety. The CIOB is committed to ensuring our industry learns the lessons of the past and works to ensure those who occupy the buildings we create are safe and feel safe in their homes.”


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Engineering a Better World

The Engineering a Better World podcast series from The House magazine and the IET is back for series two! New host Jonn Elledge discusses with parliamentarians and industry experts how technology and engineering can provide policy solutions to our changing world.

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