Sat, 1 June 2024

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COVID-19 vaccination offered to every eligible care home in England - Alzheimer's Society comments

Alzheimer’s Society

1 min read Partner content

Official figures later today are expected to confirm that the NHS has now offered the Covid-19 vaccine to residents at every eligible care home with older residents across England.

Fiona Carragher, Director of Research & Influencing at Alzheimer’s Society said,
“It’s great to see the milestone met to protect care home residents, and we applaud all those who have worked tirelessly to meet it. We are concerned, however, that staff vaccination rollout has not been nearly so effective - we cannot afford to leave any stones unturned for vulnerable people with dementia who have suffered so much this last year. 
The most pressing question now is how and when can care homes restart safe, meaningful visits. Combined with  PPE and testing, isn’t one jab enough? If not, what else needs to be in place? Another 12-week wait is unacceptable for people dying of loneliness. We need a swifter rollout of the second jab, as well as ensuring all staff receive it.  At least 70% of care home residents have dementia, and they are losing their connection to the world, fading away. We must now see a concrete plan in place to reunite families.”



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