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Data holds the key to unlocking better breast cancer health outcomes

David Long, Business Unit Director for Oncology

David Long, Business Unit Director for Oncology | MSD

3 min read Partner content

To ensure people with Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) receive the best possible care, the NHS must first close the data gap. David Long, Business Unit Director for Oncology at MSD UK, shares why MSD has launched a new campaign to ensure that people with TNBC feel they count and are being counted

TNBC is a form of breast cancer which accounts for around 10-20 per cent of new breast cancer diagnosesi and is responsible for 30-40 per cent of all breast cancer deaths, according to international data.i TNBC tumours generally spread faster than other types of breast canceri. TNBC  disproportionately affects women under the age of 40, black women and those with the BRCA geneii — impacting their career and caring responsibilities.

There is very little published information on the experiences of people with TNBC in England. Feedback from patients and healthcare professionals suggests people with TNBC feel their voice is not being heard by those accountable for cancer services.iii

There is also a data gap around TNBC.iv NHS data on TNBCv is not routinely published and is not consistent with common estimates of TNBC  It is therefore difficult to quantify the anecdotal experiences TNBC patients. Without these data, their voices are not being heard.

This is why MSD, with advice and input from the UK Charity for TNBC, launched the I Count: Triple Negative Breast Cancer Matters campaign in the Houses of Parliament in November. “TNBC is different from other types of breast cancer, having fewer treatment options and consequently fewer people surviving long term,” said Professor Chris Twelves, Trustee of the UK Charity for TNBC, adding physical, psychological, emotional and financial implications can be greater than for those with other breast cancers. “This is why the UK Charity for TNBC has partnered with MSD on the ‘I count’ campaign, to raise awareness of TNBC and ensure that patients’ voices are heard.”

Until we have a clear picture of TNBC across the country, some patients will continue to struggle to access services. We are calling for the NHS to routinely collect, publish and analyse TNBC data so that patient experience and health outcomes can be improved.

“The launch of this campaign has helped raise the profile of this vital data issue which needs to be addressed as a priority,” said Craig Tracey MP, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Breast Cancer. “The stories that TNBC patients shared at the launch showed that there is still some way to go in ensuring that patients can access the support and services that they need at each stage of their breast cancer journey.”

Merck Sharp & Dohme (UK) Limited has funded and had editorial control over this article.

GB-NON-08862 February 2024


[i] Manzano, A. et al. Improving the care of women with triple-negative breast cancer. The Swedish Institute for Health Economics (IHE). 2023 (Accessed: February 2024)

[ii] UK Charity for TNBC. What is Triple Negative Breast Cancer and What Does It Mean For Me? (Accessed: February 2024)

[iii] MSD. Narrative Health, commissioned on MSD behalf, conducted interviews with patients on their TNBC support needs in 2023.

[iv] National Audit of Breast Cancer in Older Patients. New national audits of primary breast cancer and metastatic breast cancer. (Accessed: February 2024)

[v] NHS Digital. Breast cancer incidence (ICD-10 C50) by hormone receptor status. 2023. (Accessed: February 2024)

[vi] Cancer Research UK. Triple negative breast cancer. (Accessed: February 2024)

About the author

Headshot of David Long
David Long is Business Unit Director – Oncology at MSD


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