Sat, 1 June 2024

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GGF supports new Talent Retention Scheme

Glass and Glazing Federation

2 min read Partner content

The Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) has welcomed the Government’s announcement confirming support for a new Talent Retention Scheme for the construction industry.

John Agnew GGF Managing Director said, “We welcome this initiative from Government. I am sure this will become an ideal digital platform for keeping talented skilled workers in the industry and a recruitment tool for employers. It promises to not only be a great benefit for companies finding and retaining workers, but also for employees who may have been affected by operational changes such as temporary lay-offs or redundancies due to the COVID-19 pandemic.“

The scheme is set to be formally launched on the 24th of July with the site going live on the 20th July.

The Talent Retention Scheme is a partnership between industry and Government to secure essential talent in the UK’s construction sector. Run by the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) and supported by trade and business associations from across the supply chain.

The online portal supports redeployment of staff at risk of redundancy from across the sector, while also enabling temporary employee loans between businesses.  It also gives displaced workers from other sectors a route to find new employment in construction, while offering businesses a platform to find the skills they need. As well as a skills matching service and online job boards the scheme will also look at re-skilling and up-skilling and signpost more detailed information for different job roles in the industry.

The not-for-profit programme has funding secured until the end of April 2021, providing a free online platform for any business or organisation looking to hire, while ensuring that candidates’ skills and experience are given a prominent platform within the wider industry.

To register your interest in the Talent Retention Scheme, please click on the registration form

For more information on the scheme please visit


Engineering a Better World

The Engineering a Better World podcast series from The House magazine and the IET is back for series two! New host Jonn Elledge discusses with parliamentarians and industry experts how technology and engineering can provide policy solutions to our changing world.

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