Sat, 1 June 2024

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Increasing number of incidents that have systemic and behavioural causes, including regulatory failure at the root - BSC

British Safety Council

1 min read Partner content

The British Safety Council has consistently advocated that the government must reverse the recent trend of funding cuts for the regulatory bodies and urge the government and particularly the Secretary of State, to treat this matter with the utmost priority. 

The BSC consider that the regulatory system in the United Kingdom requires suitable levels of resourcing in order to be an effective process which safeguards the health, safety and welfare of all stakeholders in relation to food safety, product safety and across all authorities conducting relevant inspections.

There have been an increasing number of incidents over recent years, such as these tragic deaths due to food mislabelling and other major fatality events such as Grenfell which has systemic and behavioural causes, including regulatory failure, at its root.

The British Safety Council has consistently advocated that the government must reverse the recent trend of funding cuts for the regulatory bodies and urge the government and particularly the Secretary of State, to treat this matter with the utmost priority. 


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Engineering a Better World

The Engineering a Better World podcast series from The House magazine and the IET is back for series two! New host Jonn Elledge discusses with parliamentarians and industry experts how technology and engineering can provide policy solutions to our changing world.

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