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By Baroness Smith of Llanfaes
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Recognising the outstanding contributions of Parliament’s People

Michael Salter-Church, Director of External Affairs, CSR & Policy | Openreach

2 min read Partner content

The Parliament’s People Awards recognise the inspirational teams and individuals who support our Westminster parliamentary democracy. We’re calling on you to nominate now.

At Openreach, we know that it takes an army to keep the wheels of our democracy turning. Every day thousands of staff are helping constituents, researching subjects, providing briefings, ensuring safety, championing change, and keeping people fed and watered – the list goes on. We know it takes dedication, that the jobs can be long, hard, potentially dangerous and sometimes feel thankless. 

That’s why we are delighted to support these awards once again, to highlight the hard work of Parliament’s People, and those in constituency offices across the country, as we continue to face challenging times.

From the hard-working cleaning teams coming in whilst others are still asleep, to the library staff working to brief Assistants, MPs and Peers, to Parliamentary Staffers meeting and helping constituents, the wealth of talent and expertise in Parliament is second to none.

We are looking for outstanding individuals and teams who have innovated, impressed, and shown dedication and commitment to supporting a thriving parliamentary democracy. 

There are such a variety of roles across the more than 3,500 staff working in Parliament, that this year, we have extended the awards to fourteen categories, covering the breadth and width of Parliament, and the UK. 

So, if you are an MP or Peer, a Parliamentary or Constituency Staffer, or employed by The House of Commons, House of Lords or the Parliamentary Digital Service, we’re calling on you to nominate your colleagues for this year’s awards.

This could be a House of Commons or Lords member of staff, who has shown dedication and determination in their daily tasks such as dealing with casework, responding to members of the media, stakeholders and lobby groups, and meeting with constituents.

Or it could be a Select Committee team, who have supported you arranging meetings, sending out papers and organising visits and witnesses.

We want to hear from you, about any of Parliament’s People who have supported, helped, or impressed you.

To get involved and submit your nomination, visit the Parliament’s People Awards website here. Nominations close on 29 October, so you will need to get in there quick!

We look forward to receiving your nominations and recognising those who have shown dedication and commitment in Parliament and across constituencies the length and breadth of the UK.


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