Sat, 1 June 2024

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RIA responds to publication of the North Wales Transport Commission Interim Report

Railway Industry Association

1 min read Partner content

RIA Wales & Western welcomes this week’s (8 June) publication of the North Wales Transport Commission Interim Report.

Transport Commission - Interim Report

The publication highlights how the North Wales Transport Commission is set to investigate the problems, opportunities, challenges and objectives for realising a sustainable, integrated transport system in north Wales. The conclusions and draft recommendations in the Interim Report focus on development and delivery of an integrated transport system, ahead of the Final Report in the autumn.

Robert Cook, Policy Director and Wales & Western Lead at RIA, said: “This Interim Report by the North Wales Transport Commission is a positive step towards delivering an efficient, high quality and sustainable transport network for North Wales.

“RIA Wales & Western and our members now look forward to seeing the modelling work and more detailed examinations by the North Wales Transport Commission, which will take place alongside stakeholder input to inform the recommendations within the Final Report later in the year. This is a good first step in the development of that Final Report, and we look forward to working with rail stakeholders and the North Wales Transport Commission in the months ahead.”


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