Sat, 1 June 2024

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'Tailor-made' support groups under threat

Community Development Foundation

2 min read Partner content

Up to one million small community groups could be under threat if funding is cut, according to new research.

The Community Development Foundation(CDF), which has been supporting such groups for more than 50 years, said its latest research project brings together evidence and stories of the contribution that the community sector makes to people’s lives.

It highlights the “vital contribution small community groups are making nationally to society and how funders can best support them”.

The research project, entitled: ‘Tailor Made: how community groups improve people’s lives’, aims to show funders how to best support these small groups, who typically have an income of less than £2,000 a year.

Alison Seabrooke, Chief Executive of CDF, said:

“‘Tailor-made’ highlights that grants should not be seen as hand outs but as part of a conscious investment in communities.

“Often the groups that receive small amounts of funding are delivering vital services: anything from offering support for new parents, to more structured programmes like working with ex-offenders or victims and witnesses of crime.

“Through our work with the community sector over the past 50 years, we have a unique insight into the contribution they make to society. And our role as a funder means we are able to identify the resources needed to achieve this work and campaign to ensure this funding continues.”

The research found that community groups are able to develop ‘tailor-made’ support for people in their communities.

They complement statutory services because they have the flexibility to meet specific needs with groups of people or whole communities – providing bespoke support.

The research partners participated in face-to-face interviews or shared relevant literature to shape the review and the foundation identified 127 eligible pieces of literature for the research based on a search of relevant organisations’ publications, keyword searches and a call for evidence to academics working in the field.

The research project can be viewed on a unique microsite, as a downloadable documentor as a series of chapters on the Tailor-made research page. It was jointly funded by CDF, Asda Foundationand Trust for London.

Bharat Mehta, Chief Executive of Trust for London, said:

“Trust for London has a long history of funding small community groups because of the unique role they play in London’s voluntary sector.

“This is a timely report which highlights the strengths and value for money small community groups can provide at a local level, helping to support and empower London’s diverse communities.”

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