Sat, 1 June 2024

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The UK needs to act quickly to capitalise on the hydrogen economy, says Cadent


1 min read Partner content

Cadent are pleased to see today’s announcement from government regarding its ambition for wind power. But we believe this announcement needs to be followed quickly with a national hydrogen strategy.

As we know from recent announcements from the EU and Germany, the international attention clean energy and hydrogen is receiving is positive news for the global journey to Net Zero, it also demonstrates that immediate action is required from UK government if we are not to be left behind in this newly developing hydrogen economy. 

The evidence supporting the need for hydrogen is clear and established, and there is still time for government to drive forward the hydrogen industry and become a leading global player. However, this action must be swift and supported with the right frameworks.  

The UK needs ambitious hydrogen targets. We need a cross-departmental hydrogen strategy and the development of a financial support scheme to ramp up the production of hydrogen for blending, transport and power, so we can start to make inroads on the Net Zero challenge whilst developing new industries and jobs at the same time. Mandating hydrogen ready boilers would also help provide a boost to the industry and clarity for future business plans. 

This ambition around wind power is welcome but needs to be matched by a suitably ambitious hydrogen strategy as soon as possible. 




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