Sat, 1 June 2024

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Downing Street Hosted A Birthday Party For Boris Johnson During Lockdown


2 min read

Boris Johnson reportedly hosted a small number of guests for his birthday during lockdown, despite coronavirus rules at the time limiting gatherings indoors.

According to ITV news, Boris Johnson is alleged to have attended a small suprise party organise by his wife, Carrie Johnson, at around 2pm on 19 June.

It's claimed that around 30 people were present at the event in the Cabinet Room, including people not employed by No 10.

A separate gathering was also held in the Prime Minister's private residence on the same evening, ITV alleges. 

Social gatherings indoors were banned under coronavirus rules in place on 19 June 2020.

A No 10 spokesperson confirmed that "a group of staff working in No 10 that day gathered briefly in the Cabinet Room after a meeting to wish the Prime Minister a happy birthday", but they stressed that Boris Johnson was only in attendance for "less than ten minutes". 

They added that claims a seperate gathering was held upstairs at Downing Street that evening were "totally untrue", and that the PM had "hosted a small number of family members outside that evening".

The latest revelation comes the same week civil servant Sue Gray is due to publish her report into several previous allegations of lockdown-breaching parties held at Downing Street.

She is currently investigating claims that a garden party was held at No 10 in May 2020 in spite of lockdown rules.

Gray will also investigate claims relating to gatherings on on 27 November 2020 and 18 December 2020.

Responding to the latest reports, Labour leader Keir Starmer called Boris Johnson a "national distraction" and said the Prime Minister has "got to go".

He told Sky News: "Do I think he's been dishonest? Yes, I do. Do I think that he is a distraction when there are real issues going on in terms of energy bills, cost of living prices going up that people are very concerned about? A complete and utter distraction.

"And that's why, in the national interest, he's just got to go."

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