Mon, 3 June 2024

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Dominic Raab urges all British travellers to return to the UK as soon as possible

British travellers abroad have been urged to return to the UK

2 min read

The Foreign Secretary has urged all British travellers abroad to return to the UK as soon as possible while flights are still available.

Dominic Raab issued the latest advice to British holiday makers and short-stay travellers as he warned there could be further restrictions on commercial flights around the globe, as countries battle to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

It comes after the Foreign Office advised against all-but essential travel outside of the UK for an initial 30-day period.

British tourists abroad have already encountered problems in returning home as countries close their borders and flight operators suspend their services.

But Mr Raab warned further commerical routes could shut without notice in the next 48 hours, as he urged travellers to immediately contact airlines and tour operators to try and arrange their travel back to the UK.

"We are strongly urging UK travellers overseas to return home now where and while there are still commercial routes to do so," he said.

"Around the world, more airlines are suspending flights and more airports are closing, some without any notice.

"Where commercial routes don't exist, our staff are working round the clock to give advice and support to UK nationals. If you are on holiday abroad, the time to come home is now while you still can."

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps, added: "This is a very difficult time for British citizens travelling overseas, or those with families and loved ones abroad.

"We're in close contact with airlines, who are working tirelessly to ensure British citizens travelling overseas can safely return to the UK.

"We are also working closely with other government departments, including the FCO, to ensure airlines are able to operate to bring people back home."

The latest advice comes ahead of a statement from Boris Johnson amid calls for the Government to tighten measures to slow the spread of the virus in the UK.

Labour has said a tougher stance is needed amid "widespread non-compliance" with social distancing measures set out by the Prime Minister last week.

Shadow Health Secretary Jon Ashworth said: "Other countries have taken further far-reaching social distancing measures. We now call on the Government to move to enforced social distancing and greater social protection as a matter of urgency."

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