Sat, 1 June 2024

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People Urged to Cook Using Microwaves And Air Fryers To Reduce Energy Bills

It has been suggested that people use microwaves rather than ovens to save money on energy. (Alamy)

3 min read

People keen to keep their costs down as energy prices soar have been encouraged to cook meals using
microwaves and air fryers rather than traditional ovens this winter to save on bills.

Analysts have predicted that the October price cap could top over £3,500 when it is announced later this week, and reach nearly £5,000 in January. While government has insisted "help is coming" for households facing fuel poverty this winter, there are no announcements due before a new prime minister enters Number 10 on 5 September. Frontrunner Liz Truss's campaign has been characterised by her refusal to offer "handouts". 

Iceland managing director Richard Walker this morning announced a new campaign with energy company Utilita which aims to save households £600 a year by changing their cooking habits. 

“The key thing is to look at the main way that people use cooking," Utilita chief executive Bill Bullen told Times Radio.

“Over 40 per cent of people are still using the oven and there are just cheaper appliances people can use, microwaves, slow cookers, and particularly air fryers."

Philippe Commaret, the managing director of energy giant EDF, warned that soaring energy costs were likely to have a dire impact on a significant number of their energy customers. 

“Without further support from the government more than half of UK households will be likely to be in fuel poverty in January which means that they will have to spend more than 10 per cent of their disposable income to pay for their energy bill,” he told the BBC.  

Liz Truss, the overwhelming favourite in the Conservative leadership race, is facing pressure to detail what she would do to tackle rising energy bills and the cost of living.

Conservative MP Chloe Smith, who is backing Truss for the leadership, said this morning that she could not “answer” the question of what the Foreign Secretary would do if she became leader. 

"Liz Truss, if she were to become prime minister, has said she doesn’t rule out further help for the most vulnerable,” she told LBC.  

While Truss has promised that one of her first priorities as prime minister would be to hold a "fiscal event" that could include tax cuts, Smith was unable to offer insight into what measures to alleviate the pressure of energy costs might be included. 

“What Liz has already set out very clearly is that she wants to focus on growing the economy and I actually think that’s really important also in the context of the cost of living,” she added.  

Labour has already called for the price cap to be frozen at its current rate, and last week asked the government to recall MPs to Parliament early to discuss such plans. 

Labour claims its energy price freeze would mean households "wouldn't pay a penny more" than they currently are and is a more efficient proposal than the government's support package.

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