Sun, 2 June 2024

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Rail industry responds to East Coast Mainline digital railway announcement

Railway Industry Association

1 min read

Today the Government has announced £350 million for digital signalling on the East Coast Mainline.

Darren Caplan, Chief Executive of the Railway Industry Association, said: “Today’s commitment of funding for the East Coast Mainline’s digital signalling is very welcome, as is the announcement of the fitment of in-cab signalling for the Midlands Mainline and development work on other lines.

“Over the coming 15 years, 60% of the UK’s signalling equipment units require replacing, posing both a significant challenge, but also an opportunity to revolutionise our rail network’s signalling systems through digital technology. So today's announcement is an important step for UK rail and for realising the vision of the Rail Sector Deal to deliver a pipeline of cost-effective digital signalling.

“For businesses supplying the UK’s rail network with digital signalling, including schemes like ECML, it is vital there is a smooth and consistent build-up of work over the coming years, so that the sector can develop the capacity and capabilities to deliver this programme of investment. The Railway Industry Association and its supplier members look forward to working with the Government to explore how this investment can be sped up further, increasing the roll out of digital signalling, whilst also boosting investment and jobs at such a critical time for the UK economy.”


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