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By Baroness Smith of Llanfaes
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Westminster Abbey Services of Thanksgiving

1 min read

Parliamentarians are invited to apply for tickets to three services of thanksgiving due to take place in Westminster Abbey.

The lives of the Reverend Canon Jane Sinclair, George von Mallinckrodt and the Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava will be commemorated in St Margaret’s church in the Abbey.

Sinclair was a much-loved Canon of Westminster between 2014 and 2016, and Rector of St Margaret's Church from 2016 until her retirement in 2020. The former rector died in January this year, and her commemoration takes place on Thursday 7 October. 

A service for von Mallinckrodt, one of the co-founders of Schroders UK, will take place on Tuesday 5 October at noon. Von Mallinckrodt died in January, at the age of 90, following a long illness.

The Marchioness of Dufferin - Lindy Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood – died in October after a life devoted to conservation and artist. She was also a businesswoman.

Painting under the name Lindy Guinness, the Marchioness hosted more than 20 exhibitions across Paris, Dublin, London and New York. 

A service of Thanksgiving to commemorate her life and work will be held at noon on Friday 22 October. Tickets to apply to attend all services are available on

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