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Vote Leave boss Dominic Cummings blasts Tory eurosceptics as ‘metastasising tumour’ in call for new Brexit party

3 min read

Vote Leave campaign chief Dominic Cummings has blasted Tory eurosceptics as "useful idiots" and compared them to a "tumour" while calling for a new pro-Brexit party to be set up.

Mr Cummings - who led the official campaign for a Leave vote ahead of the 2016 referendum - urged supporters to re-group through a new campaign or party in the wake of the Government’s “screw-up”.

In a scathing blog, he also branded the Tories' European Research Group a "narcissist-delusional subset" and accused them of boosting the argument for Remain.

The former political adviser said the hardline Brexiteer faction had spent the last three years "spouting gibberish about trade and the law" around Westminster, adding that such "contemptible behaviour" was the reason behind their "enforced marginalisation" during the campaign.

“You were useful idiots for Remain during the campaign and with every piece of bullshit from Bill Cash et al you have helped only Remain for three years," he said.

“You should be treated like a metastasising tumour and excised from the UK body politic.”

However Mr Cummings added that winning a second referendum would be "easier than 2016".

He said: "If we need to set up a new entity — a campaign, a party — you will be able to plug this straight into new data infrastructure and we will try to grow super-fast. And it looks like we will need to…

"Remember: we won last time even though the Establishment had every force with power and money on their side.

"They screwed it up because they do not have good models of effective action: they literally do not know what they are doing, as they have demonstrated to the world in the farcical negotiations.

"They are screwing up their attempt to cancel the referendum. Beating them again and by more will be easier than 2016."


Mr Cummings’ blog post comes as the Committee of Privileges today found him in contempt of Parliament for refusing to appear before a Commons committee inquiry into fake news last year.

A report by the cross-party body found that his refusal to appear in front of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee "constituted a significant interference with their work".

The campaigner added: “My offer to give evidence to MPs remains open. As does my reasonable demand that ALL OF US ARE UNDER OATH TO TELL THE TRUTH. I hope they take it up but am not hopeful...”

“Coincidentally, dear MPs, the Vote Leave Standards Committee is meeting this week to discuss your behaviour since the referendum.

“Some of you, on both sides of Leave/Remain and Tory/Labour, have tried very hard and made sacrifices in the public interest since the referendum.

“But many of you have treated the public with more than contempt.”


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