Sun, 1 September 2024

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By National Federation of Builders

High Court rules PIP changes are 'discriminatory'


1 min read

Today the High Court ruled that changes to Personal Independence Payment (PIP) regulations introduced in March 2017 were "blatantly discriminatory" against people with mental health conditions.


Mr Justice Mostyn issued a written ruling which said: "In my judgment, the 2017 regulations introduced criteria ... which were blatantly discriminatory against those with mental health impairments and which cannot be objectively justified."

Mark Atkinson, Chief Executive at disability charity Scope, said: 
“Today’s judgement is immensely significant for the thousands of disabled people affected by the misconceived changes to PIP earlier this year.
“The regulations introduced in March make crude and unfair distinctions between those with physical impairments and mental health conditions.
“Thousands of disabled people rely on PIP to live independently and help meet the often substantial extra costs they face related to their condition or impairment. 
“The Government must listen carefully to today’s ruling and act quickly to reverse these changes, rather than further dragging the issue through the courts.”


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