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Calling all MPs who nominated a finalist in the 2020 NHS Parliamentary Awards

Stephen Powis


4 min read

The ceremony to announce the winners – and the MP who supported them – will take place on 7 July 2021. Join your regional champions to celebrate the skill, professionalism and compassion of the NHS.

In a year like no other for the NHS, it’s no surprise that MPs have submitted an impressive calibre of nominations for the 2020 NHS Parliamentary Awards to celebrate achievements in healthcare based in England.

From the doctors and nurses working to combat hepatitis C in the homeless during the pandemic, to the team behind the UK’s first virtual reality lung rehabilitation programme, the nominations have been truly outstanding.

The coronavirus pandemic, the greatest public health challenge in the history of the NHS, has prompted a record number of nominations from MPs. They have rightly sought to shine a light on the dedication of nurses, midwives, GPs, physios, pharmacists, healthcare assistants, dentists, porters, cleaners, and countless other staff who have contributed to the unprecedented response.

There are 10 categories in which MPs could put forward individuals or teams for an award. Our regional shortlisting teams had an extremely tough choice selecting from more than 700 nominations submitted by over half of all MPs representing English constituencies.

Nominees love to meet the MP who put them forward – it helps to make the day even more memorable

The panel of national judges narrowed this down to seven regional champions for each category, all of whom have been invited to attend an awards ceremony in London on 7 July to see which of them will be crowned the category winner.

This year more than ever, we know recognition matters.

We know how much these awards have meant to all those nominated in previous years. To have the skill, professionalism and compassion of the NHS recognised and celebrated is a huge boost, not just to those selected but to their colleagues and their organisations.

We usually run this event in Parliament; however, this year, like many other events, we are having to do things a little differently, to keep everyone safe. As Parliament is still closed to the public, the ceremony will be held as a hybrid event, which means we will be inviting a limited number of people to attend in person.

I am pleased to confirm we’ve been able to include all our NHS nominees and the MPs who nominated them.

I’m also happy to say that, for the first time ever, we will be broadcasting the ceremony live online and free for everyone to watch, so friends and family of nominees will be able to tune in to see if their loved one has won.

This will help to make the awards special for our nominees. I know from past experience that nominees also love to meet the MP who put them forward – it helps to make the day even more memorable. So, if you have put forward a regional champion and are able to attend, please do register to come and meet up with them.

At the national awards ceremony, 10 awards are announced. It might be because of my clinical role or the fact I was given the honour of presenting it last time, but the award I always look forward to the most is Excellence in Healthcare.

This award recognises individuals or teams who go above and beyond to improve outcomes and experience for patients living with and beyond major health conditions. It goes to the very heart of what we try to do for patients in the NHS – enhancing both their experience of healthcare at the same time as working to change outcomes for the better.

Even though I will be paying particular attention to the Excellence in Healthcare award, there are nine other awards to watch out for and I know competition is fierce.


Stephen Powis is the medical director for NHS England and NHS Improvement.

The shortlist in each category – and the MPs who nominated them – can be seen at

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Read the most recent article written by Stephen Powis - It’s never been more important for MPs to celebrate dedicated NHS staff

