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Heathrow residents back MPs who support airport expansion – new poll

Heathrow | Heathrow

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More than 50% of residents in Heathrow’s constituencies support the airport’s expansion plans, a recent survey has found.

According to an independent poll done by Populus, 58% of residents also felt positively about Heathrow.

The poll also found that Parliamentary candidates would secure a higher proportion of local support if they endorsed expansion.

22% of local residents said they would be more likely vote for a candidate who was in favour of Heathrow’s plans, while only 17% pledged their support for those who were against expansion.

Although many commentators have portrayed the local community as being against the expansion, this poll reveals the strong level of local support in the majority of the constituencies around Heathrow.

Additional jobs and apprenticeships were the top reasons given by residents for their support, with the new development promising to create 10,000 apprenticeships and up to 180,000 new jobs in the UK.   

Heathrow is currently awaiting the decision of the Airports Commission, which is considering proposals to increase UK airport capacity.

The Commission’s consultation period has now ended and the report is due this Autumn. 

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Read the most recent article written by Heathrow - Heathrow calls on industry to use available capacity in fight against COVID-19




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