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Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television announces US launch

Pact | Pact

2 min read Partner content

A new trade association representing the commercial interests of UK and US TV producers will launch in the US later this year, the Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television has announced.

PACT is the UK trade association which represents the commercial interests of the independent television, film and digital media product sector in the UK. PACT works on behalf of its members to ensure the best legal, regulatory and economic environment for growth in the sector.

Speaking at the Realscreen Summit in Washington DC, Pact UK Chief Executive, John McVay, said the organisation would “be making a major investment to launch Pact US this year.

“In an ever globalised industry – and with the US being the single most lucrative market for commissions outside of the UK – we want to make sure that we can deliver services to support both British and US TV producers in the USA,” he added.

The recruitment process will begin shortly, with the organisation looking to employ executives on both the East and West coasts to provide the required support and infrastructure for the new venture.

The move was prompted after Pact saw rapid growth in the number of original commissions for UK independent production companies in the US market.

Outside of the UK, the US has established itself as the main secondary sales and commissioning market for the trade association, and in 2013/14, 100% of all commissions outside of the UK came from the US.

Sara Geater, Chair of Pact UK, said: “Pact is a trade association whose membership has huge success creating content and conducting business globally.

“Pact played a key role in enabling that success so it makes sense for us to offer all producers in the USA our experience, and to build a trade body which reflects the interests of the ever widening global industry”.

Pact expects to announce decisions on recruitment and Office locations this summer.

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Read the most recent article written by Pact - Govt urged to ‘keep BBC licence fee’

