Sat, 1 June 2024

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Alzheimer's Society responds to face-to-face care home visits resuming

Alzheimer’s Society

1 min read Partner content

Responding, James White, Head of Public Affairs and Campaigns at Alzheimer’s Society, said:

"It’ll be very encouraging for tens of thousands of families affected by dementia to hear the Care Minister speaking about face-to-face care home visits finally resuming.

"At least 70% of care home residents have dementia, and many have spent a painful, lonely year cut off from their loved ones, losing their connection to the world.

“The risk of spreading the virus must be balanced with the crucial need for social contact. Alzheimer’s Society is calling for a clear timetable and process for re-introducing meaningful visits to care homes in the Government’s forthcoming roadmap. We cannot waste any more time - without this clear guidance, people with dementia will be left to fade away."



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