Mon, 3 June 2024

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MPA comment on Conservative housing pledge

Mineral Product Association | Mineral Products Association

1 min read Partner content

Commenting on todays keynote speech on housing by the Prime Minister, including the commitment to build 200,000 starter homes, Nigel Jackson, Chief Executive, Mineral Products Association (MPA), highlighted the need to ensure that the housing supply chain is capable of meeting significant increases in housing demand.

Nigel Jackson said“There is now a broad political commitment to increase the supply of new homes significantly over the next five years. Mineral products such as aggregates, concrete and mortar are essential for building houses and we need the operation of the planning and regulatory process relating to the supply of these materials to be complementary to housing. There will be  major challenges over the coming years to ensure that the planning system permits enough new houses as well as the mineral products they rely on. Industry can only invest in new resources if the planning and regulatory systems enable mineral supplies to come forward. There are already some stresses in the plan led system with too few local plans in place and industry and government will have to work together to enable the Prime Minister’s housing vision to be delivered by UK supply chains.”

Read the most recent article written by Mineral Product Association - Regulation of Volumetric Concrete Mixers Long Overdue Says MPA




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