Sat, 1 June 2024

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70% of vets grill labels for info about BBQ meat

British Veterinary Association

2 min read Partner content

As National BBQ Week begins, discerning UK vets urge consumers to vote for good animal health and welfare by checking food labels before they buy.

More than two-thirds of vets (71%) actively check labels and ask questions about the meat, fish and dairy products they purchase, according to figures revealed by the British Veterinary Association (BVA) to mark National BBQ Week.

As guardians of animal welfare, vets put the welfare and provenance of animals bred for food at the top of their list when buying meat and fish.

BVA President Sean Wensley encouraged consumers to check labels as the warmer weather sees BBQs and picnics take centre stage in gatherings of families and friends.

“Animal welfare should be a paramount consideration whether we’re thinking about purchasing pets or the food we eat,” said Wensley. “For vets it’s a top priority that the animals we rear for food have a good life and a humane death.”

BVA’s Voice of the Veterinary Profession survey panel, which polls over 1,000 UK vets, highlighted that many vets support the higher welfare standards of British farming, with 9 out of 10 vets saying they would be more likely to buy food if it was labelled as British or locally sourced.

Over three quarters of vets said that they would be more likely to buy free-range (77%) or food that carried a Farm Assurance Scheme label (over 50% for Red Tractor and RSPCA Assured.)

“Vets are not alone in caring about where their food comes from,” Wensley added. “To support high standards of animal welfare, all of us can vote for good animal health and welfare through our thoughtful meat, fish, and dairy purchases and send a strong message to food producers and retailers this summer.”

BVA’s Voice of the Veterinary Profession survey panel also revealed that 9 out of 10 vets would be less likely to buy meat or fish if it was labelled as not stunned prior to slaughter. BVA is leading a campaign to end slaughter without pre-stunning for animal welfare reasons and calling for better labelling of food to help consumers make pro-animal welfare choices.

To find out more about BVA’s campaign to end non-stun slaughter, please visit:

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