Sun, 1 September 2024

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AELP comments on General Election results

Association of Employment and Learning Providers

2 min read Partner content

Association of Employment and Learning Providers CEO Stewart Segals comments on the election results, saying:

“AELP recognises the significance of the Conservatives’ election victory and we will work with the new government as it implements its manifesto.  We welcome that employment and skills were at the centre of the government’s manifesto because there is a proven return on investment in these programmes in terms of the economy, business competitiveness and wage growth for people in sustainable employment.  We also welcome the fact that government wishes to grow high quality apprenticeships and that these should be available across all levels and all ages.

Reducing youth unemployment must remain a major priority and we look forward to discussing with the government how for example the proposals for a new Youth Allowance for unemployed 18 to 21 year olds will be linked to apprenticeships and traineeships.  AELP’s own manifesto called for greater integration of employment and skills programmes and we believe that it will be a wasted opportunity if we don’t see more progress on this during the next five years.

We will work with the government on developing major programmes for the long-term unemployed, including the Work Programme and Work Choice.  We will urge ministers to drive more coherence between programmes for the unemployed, including more integrated contracting processes, success measures and provider payment methodologies.

The inclusion of LEPs in the Conservative manifesto is an important aspect of the English devolution agenda.  This needs to be integrated with national programmes such as apprenticeships, traineeships and the main welfare-to-work programme.

Skills and employment will continue to be a driver behind a sustained economic recovery and training providers will continue to be at the forefront of that delivery.” 


Engineering a Better World

The Engineering a Better World podcast series from The House magazine and the IET is back for series two! New host Jonn Elledge discusses with parliamentarians and industry experts how technology and engineering can provide policy solutions to our changing world.

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