Bar Council responds to Supreme Court decision on employment tribunal fees
The Government faces having to pay back millions of pounds in employment tribunal fees after the Supreme Court ruled the controversial charges are illegal.
Responding to today’s decision by the Supreme Court on employment tribunal fees, a Bar Council spokesperson, said: “This decision from the Supreme Court is welcome to all who believe in the fundamental importance of the rule of law. There are broad and encouraging implications for those of us that believe in the case for increasing access to justice in our society. The decision makes it clear that in order for the Courts to perform their role of ensuring the law is applied and enforced, people must have unimpeded access to the them. Charging fees which deter or prevent access is unlawful, and undermines the government of society by the rule of law.
“In addition, and specifically, we welcome the fact that in relation to issues that arise in the work place, the Supreme Court has ruled in favour of giving people who face age, sex or race discrimination the right to challenge their employer without being deterred by high tribunal fees.”