Tue, 3 September 2024

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British Veterinary Association comment on the Government consultation into pet farming

British Veterinary Association

1 min read Partner content

British Veterinary Association President John Fishwick said:

“We support the principle that puppies and kittens should not be sold in pet shops and via third parties and recognise that a ban on third party sales could help limit the reach and activity of unscrupulous breeders. 

"However, this is a very complex area that requires a holistic approach that tackles all sources of supply and demand for pets to reduce the risk of any unintended consequences and ensure that the problem isn’t driven underground.

“BVA is working in collaboration with several stakeholders to tackle irresponsible breeding, but for any measure to work in practice, it needs a concerted effort by Government, breeders and prospective pet owners, with local authorities having the necessary resources to fully enforce any legislation, supported by local veterinary expertise.

“Prospective owners should always see the puppy or kitten interacting with its mother and, in the case of dogs, should use the free online Puppy Contract to ensure they get a healthy, happy and well-socialised puppy from a responsible breeder.”


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