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BVA lobbying secures wins for animal health and welfare in party manifestos

British Veterinary Association

3 min read Partner content

The British Veterinary Association pronounced the launch of Westminster’s major political parties’ manifestos as a success for animal health and welfare.

The British Veterinary Association (BVA) has hailed the publication of Westminster’s three major political parties’ manifestos a win for animal health and welfare, after more than half of the organisation’s own manifesto recommendations were included.

Following the announcement of the snap election, the BVA produced a 20-point manifesto of key recommendations covering both Brexit and wider policy issues which the organisation passed on to the major parties.

The BVA manifesto is framed under four key areas: securing a successful outcome for animal health and welfare after Brexit; safeguarding animal health; promoting animal welfare; and recognising the vital role of veterinary surgeons.

Labour and the Liberal Democrats both met the first call of the BVA’s manifesto -  for the next Government to guarantee the working rights for non-British EU vets and VNs working and studying in the UK, and for British vets and VNs working in the EU. The Conservative manifesto said they will secure the entitlements of EU nationals in Britain and British nationals in the EU.

The Conservatives, Labour and Liberal Democrats each made at least some commitment to ensuring animal welfare in trade in line with BVA’s second manifesto ask, with all three parties making stronger commitments around BVA’s call to ensure the UK continues to be a globally attractive place for research and development. In total 11 of BVA’s 20 manifesto asks have been met by one or more of the three parties’ manifestos.

UKIP’s manifesto, launched yesterday, states that the party will allow law-abiding EU citizens living in the UK before Article 50 was triggered the right to stay indefinitely, and Plaid Cymru’s Action Plan also guarantees the rights of all Europeans currently living and working in Wales. Both parties have made a number of further commitments on animal health and welfare and public health, covering use of antibiotics, trade and welfare at slaughter.

Further analysis of the Green Party, SNP and Northern Ireland parties’ manifestos against BVA’s policy recommendations will be completed as they are launched.

British Veterinary Association President Gudrun Ravetz said: “This General Election, which has Brexit at its core, is a real opportunity to ensure the most pressing animal health and welfare issues are high on the next Government’s agenda.

“While we are a relatively small profession, our critical and far-reaching roles in animal health, welfare and public health mean that we are uniquely placed to offer the next Government evidence-based and informed advice, and policy recommendations. Months of hard work by the BVA’s Brexit working group, and the quick issue of our Manifesto to the main political parties, enabled us to secure commitments on the profession’s animal health and welfare priorities from all of the main political parties – whichever of them might take Government after 8 June.”

BVA has launched a General Election toolkit for BVA members, which includes the BVA manifesto for 2017, a template letter, and a series of questions that can be posed to prospective parliamentary candidates (PPCs) at local events and hustings.

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