CMI and WearetheCity host first joint meeting on sponsoring women in the workplace
Chartered Management Institute
London’s finest current and future leaders from the country’s largest companies such as BBC, PWC and HSBC, attended a dynamic and lively session of the first ‘Sponsoring Women’s Success’ networking event co-hosted by CMI and WeAreTheCity.
The successful event addressed two key questions: how to encourage sponsorship of women, and how to increase the number of Black, Asian, and minority ethnic (BAME) women in senior management and leadership positions.
“Businesses need to put a priority on mentoring and sponsorship and ensure that every manager puts it on their agenda to provide support to people throughout their career. Spotting and nurturing talent is a key part of the managerial role,” said Ann Francke, CMI CEO.
“The lack of diversity in management needs to be addressed. All the research shows that businesses are 35% more likely to outperform when they have an ethnically and gender-balanced leadership so it’s very disappointing that only 6% of managers are BAME. Market analysis shows that representation from BAME throughout management would add as much as an extra £24bn a year to turnover.”
Vanessa Vallely, CMI Companion & Managing Director at WeAreTheCity, the leading women’s website for careers, networking, events and information, said: “We’re very proud to be supporting CMI’s ‘Sponsoring Women’s Success’ events. Although we’re definitely seeing an increase of women on boards, those numbers are fragile! Much more needs to be done in terms of building a robust pipeline of future leaders and to ensure those leaders reflect the diverse nature of society. If we are to see true parity in our boardrooms, we must invest in women and nurture our future leaders of tomorrow.
“Initiatives such as these Sponsoring Women’s Success events are incredibly important. Not only do they provide women with the opportunity to build a strong support network, but they also give them access to practical advice and tools so that they can start cracking the glass pyramid.”
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