Construction SMEs can play crucial role in delivering PM’s vision, says FMB
Federation of Master Builders
Responding to the Prime Ministers speech today, the FMB has called on the Government to embrace the role small and medium-sized construction companies can play in driving a thriving economy and working in partnership with a smart public sector.
Brian Berry said: “Smaller companies can play a vital role in delivering the Government’s ambitions for a ‘smarter state'. Small construction firms boost local growth and job creation, and train the majority of new apprentices in the industry. However, smaller firms are often put at a disadvantage when it comes to crucial areas such as public tendering and delivery of new housing. When the Prime Minister says ‘what energises many markets are new insurgent companies, who break monopolies and bring in new ways of doing things’ this is especially true of the house building industry.”
Berry welcomed Government plans for further land release, commenting that: “The plans to put Ministry of Defence land, Government and local council buildings put up for sale with planning permissions already granted is exactly the kind of welcome move which can provide opportunities for small firms and new entrants.”