Sat, 1 June 2024

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Get behind Kent parking plans, urges Road Haulage Association

Road Haulage Association

1 min read Partner content

The Road Haulage Association is strongly supporting proposals for new lorry parks in Kent, which are being discussed by the county council next Wednesday, September 17.

“We have been working with Kent and also Ashford District Council to find ways of resolving the chronic shortage of appropriate lorry parking in Kent,” says RHA haulage security manager Chrys Rampley.

“The two authorities have done impressive work on this important issue. The proposed package of measures to encourage use of the lorry parks when they are built has the RHA’s full support,” she said.

“A Department for Transport study in 2011 highlighted the South-east as having the most severe shortage of secure lorry parking and we must seize this opportunity to move forward with decisive action,” Rampley said.

Three substantial lorry parks are proposed – at Westenhanger, M20 junction 11 (300 spaces); land adjacent to the current Ashford International Truckstop , M20 junction 10 (280 spaces); and at White Cliffs Business Park, Dover (240 spaces).

The proposals are being put to the Environment Transport Cabinet Committee, which will make a recommendation to the ET Cabinet Member who would then make recommendation to the full council.
The schemes would go to public consultation in early 2015 and it is hoped that the first will open in 2018 and the other two over the following two years.


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