GMB call on MPs to force Government to halt plans for Chinese nuclear reactor in Essex linked to funding Hinkley and Sizewell
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority should be re-tasked and renamed the Nuclear Development Authority and be given authority to borrow money to partner EDF in Hinkley and Sizewell says GMB.
GMB, the union for nuclear workers, commented on a report in the Times that the UK Government plans next month to give the go ahead for Chinese nuclear reactor in Essex in return for Chinese funding for new nuclear stations ast Hinkley Point C and Sizewell. See notes to editors for copy of article from the Times dated 7th September and copy of GMB press release on this issue dated 29th June 2015.
Gary Smith, GMB National Secretary for energy, said "GMB has been hugely supportive on new build. Our concerns have always been over how the powers stations would be financed. The government looks desperate and we worry they will do the wrong deal in desperation for Chinese money.
There is no way we will accept any compromise in nuclear safety. Civil nuclear power has a great safety record and we won't stand by and let government to cut corners to get the Chinese money.
This is a nuclear reactor that is being built 60 miles from London and there are serious questions over Chinese nuclear safety.
Given our long history in improving safety in the nuclear industry we were deeply concerned to read the comments of physicist He Zuoxiu, an eminent nuclear scientist in China. He Zuoxiu has publicly raised concerns about the safety standards of Chinese components in the nuclear industry. Indeed he has gone further in criticising the Chinese nuclear industry, and it is unusual for such an official to speak out in this way. It suggests that there are very serious issues in the nuclear industry
GMB and people in this country also will not tolerate thousands of Chinese workers being brought over to assemble and build the Chinese reactor on the cheap. We will not tolerate a betrayal of the interests of manufacturing and construction workers in the UK by the Tories.
GMB consider that the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority should be re-tasked and renamed the Nuclear Development Authority and be given authority to borrow the money on the capital markets to partner EDF in Hinkley and Sizewell. This will be cheaper for consumers and will avoid unnecessary safety fears in UK.
MPs must force the government to retreat on this totally unnecessary policy."