GMB security scanners strike at Stansted to go ahead on Monday 31st August in pay dispute as Mitie refuses talks at ACAS
Maybe Ruby McGregor-Smith, CEO of Mitie Group PLC, who is on the list of peers announced today, has been too busy getting close to the Tory Party to tell her managers to get around the table to avoid disruption at Stansted says GMB
The strike on Monday 31st August by 30 GMB members who operate the security scanners for checked in luggage at London Stansted Airport will now go ahead in a dispute over pay.
This is after Mitie refused to attend talks at ACAS to avert a further strike on Monday 31st. These members took strike action over a single shift on Sunday 23rd.
On Monday 31st August the strike action will be from 3.45am to 11.59pm. In addition there is an overtime ban in place.
These members employed by private contractor Mitie voted by 87%, in a turnout of 80%, to strike in support of their claim for a 3% pay rise. The members have rejected the 1.5% offer from the company.
Gary Pearce, GMB Organiser, said "The strike on Monday 31st August will now almost certainty go- ahead. This is because Mitie has refused to respond to an invitation from GMB to meet at ACAS in an attempt to avert the planned 24 hour strike.
Maybe Ruby McGregor-Smith, CEO of Mitie Group PLC, who is on the list of peers announced today as part of the dissolution honours list, has been too busy getting close to the Tory Party to tell her managers to get around the table to avoid disruption at Stansted. Ms McGregor- Smith was nominated by David Cameron as the leader of the Conservative Party."