NASUWT comments on key stage 2 assessment statistics
Chris Keates, General Secretary of the NASUWT, the largest teachers' union in the UK has commented on the publication of the Key Stage 2 assessment statistics.
These results reflect the considerable hard work which has been put in by pupils and teachers over the past year, and we should all congratulate them for their achievements.
That this has been achieved despite the confusion created by the chaotic introduction of the new assessment framework, which barely a year after introduction is already under review by Government, is of great credit to the resilience of the teaching profession.
Their hard work, skill and dedication, while battling the burden of excessive workload, year on year cuts to pay, constantly changing policies and ongoing budget cuts, remains remarkable.
For the good of all those involved the NASUWT reiterates its call for Government to conclude its ongoing review of all of the issues surrounding the framework assessment as soon as possible, so we can urgently move to a sustainable system of assessment that is fit for purpose and commands the confidence of teachers and the public.