Sun, 1 September 2024

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New Heads of VN and Education announced

Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons | Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

2 min read Partner content

New Heads of Veterinary Nursing and Education have been appointed, and will take up their posts shortly.

Julie Dugmore, Head of Veterinary Nursing Julie Dugmore (pictured top) has been appointed Head of Veterinary Nursing, to replace Libby Earle, who took early retirement in April.

A registered veterinary nurse, Julie joined the College in December 2002, initially as an External Verifier, later becoming VN Quality Manager. She takes up her new post on 1 October.

Meanwhile, Christine Warman (pictured below) has been appointed Head of Education and will join the College in early November.

Christine has a wealth of experience in the education sector, having established her own consultancy in 2000 to provide a range of project management and qualification development and quality assurance services. Prior to this, she worked for the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority coordinating the occupational standards programme and the National Council for Vocational Qualifications, as Development Co-ordinator.

Christine Warner, Head of EducationIn 2006, Christine provided project management services and developed research funding proposals for the RCVS 'Gateway to the Professions' careers project.

The role of Head of Education became vacant when Freda Andrews was promoted to the new role of Director of Education. Freda will oversee both the Education and Veterinary Nursing Departments.

“I am delighted to welcome Julie and Christine to their new posts,” said Freda. “Their combined experience will give us a strong foundation for the ongoing development of the education and training functions within the College, for both veterinary nurses and veterinary surgeons.”

Read the most recent article written by Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons - Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

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