President of World Veterans Federation commends frontline charity’s model
The President of the World Veterans Federation, Mr Dan Viggo Bergtun, paid a short visit to Veterans Aid’s London HQ and Operations Centre on May 24th, to meet staff and learn about the charity’s work.

CEO of Veterans Aid Dr Hugh Milroy (LEFT) exchanges gifts with President of the World Veterans Federation, Mr Dan Viggo Bergtun, at the charity’s London HQ.
VA has been a member of the WVF since July 2019 but this was the President’s first visit.
Mr Viggo Bergtun, who thanked VA’s CEO Dr Hugh Milroy for an informative meeting, said afterwards, “The way you and your team look at work with veterans is impressive. Putting the veterans at the centre . . . and making them strong is essential to bringing them forward to have success in life. It works, and that is what they deserve as proud veterans who served their country. Your model is absolutely recommended to other veterans organisations. I look forward to good collaboration and the opportunity to present your model to other members so it can be used internationally.”
Dr Milroy said, “I was delighted by the President’s interest in our innovative work and grateful that he was able to spend so much time with us. Our watchword is prevention and we have always taken the view that experience and best practice should be shared, which is why since November 2014 we have been members of FEANTSA (the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless).
“We have a very sophisticated and successful model that is based on working with agencies that have a proven track record of delivery built around the needs of our clients. In the course of our work as the UK's frontline operational charity for veterans in crisis, we have dealt with veterans and veterans organisations worldwide.
“Since it was founded 90 years ago Veterans Aid has established links with practitioners, charities, academics, and organisations committed to tackling homelessness and social exclusion in the ex-service community worldwide. Like the WVF we are proactive in ensuring the health and wellbeing of all veterans and our highly successful Welfare to Wellbeing© model is one that delivers against that aim with a 90% success rate.”
The WVF is an international non-profit, non-governmental organisation established in Paris, France in 1950 by founding members from eight countries. The WVF is now a federation of 172 veteran organisations from 121 countries representing some 60 million veterans worldwide