SRA marks International Transgender Day of Visibility with initiative on transgender-positive workplaces in the legal sector
Solicitors Regulation Authority
The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) is calling on law firms to help to create transgender-positive workplaces, and is sharing real-life stories to help them achieve this.
Coinciding with the International Transgender Day of Visibility, this initiative is part of the SRA's continued work to encourage a diverse profession. To help firms, they have created a trans-positive checklist, videos and guidance offering practical tips and knowledge.
Based on estimates for the UK population as a whole, there could be around 1,000 transgender solicitors in the profession. The SRA wants to help firms make sure these solicitors - and other employees - do not suffer discrimination in the workplace, through sharing best practice on creating positive employment environments.
Steps might include:
• Helping staff understand trans issues and experiences.
• Promoting acceptable language and behaviour.
• Having mixed gender toilet facilities for anyone to use.
• Including Mx as an option in application forms alongside Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms.
Jane Malcolm, SRA Executive Director said: "Trans equality and inclusion is an important part of creating a positive working environment for everyone. We are offering real-life success stories to help guide managers to create a truly inclusive workplace; one that recognises the needs and contribution of all its staff.
"There should not be any barriers stopping the best people from every part of our community thriving in law. We hope these practical steps, alongside our guidance, will open up discussion on this important topic."
The SRA also wants to better understand the issues around trans equality in law firms. This is why they have made changes to its next firm diversity data questionnaire, adding in a question about transgender and providing an option for people who do not identify exclusively as male or female.
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