Tribunal fee ruling is a 'victory for workers'
Chris Keates, General Secretary of the NASUWT - The Teachers' Union, has commented on today's Supreme Court ruling outlawing employment tribunal fees.
This ruling represents a real victory for all workers and has significant implications for teachers.
The NASUWT has campaigned vigorously ever since tribunal fees were introduced and Unison is to be congratulated on its historic victory in the courts.
The Government’s attempts to weaken workers’ rights have received a serious blow as a result of today’s Supreme Court’s decision.
The Supreme Court ruling sends a strong message to employers that they cannot continue to act on the assumption that teachers and other workers will not be able to afford to challenge discriminatory and other unfair practices at work.
Whilst the NASUWT has continued to defend the rights of teachers at against abusive and unfair employer practices, we now expect the government to respect the decision of the UK courts and act swiftly to implement today’s ruling.