Wed, 26 March 2025
Association of Former Members of Parliament


Room G13, 1 Parliament Street, House of Commons, London, SW1A 2NE

Membership List

Members of the Association of Former Members of Parliament are listed in alphabetical order:



Nickie Aiken 
Revd Jonathan Aitken
​Graham Allen
Lord Alton of Liverpool
David Anderson
Baroness Anderson of Stoke-on-Trent
Caroline Ansell
Lord Arbuthnot of Edrom
Jacques Arnold
Sarah Atherton
Charlotte Atkins
Sir Robert Atkins
Peter Atkinson
John Austin



Richard Bacon 
William Bain
Dame Vera Baird
Richard Bacon
Norman Baker
Lord Baker of Dorking
Sir Tony Baldry
Gordon Banks
Robert Banks
John Charles J Baron
Harry Barnes
Rosie Barnes
John Baron
Kevin Barron
Spencer Batiste
John Battle
Sir Hugh Bayley
Simon Baynes
Dame Anne Begg
Roy Beggs
Vivian Bendall
Aaron Bell
Nicholas Bennett
Lord Benyon
Luciana Berger
Dr Roger Berry
Keith Best
Gordon Birtwistle
Liz Blackman
Roberta Blackman-Woods
Sir Tony Blair 
Crispin Blunt 
V E Hartley Booth
David Borrow
Victoria Borwick
Lord Boswell of Aynho
Sir Peter Bottomley
Baroness Bottomley of Nettlestone 
Sir Andrew Bowden
John Bowis
Lord Bradley
Peter Bradley
Ben Bradshaw
Sir Graham Brady
Tom Brake
Gyles Brandreth
Jack Brereton
Michael Brotherton
Russell Brown
Richard Burden
David Burnside                                                                                                                             
Alistair Burt
Chris Butler
Rob Butler 
Dan Byles



Richard Caborn
Sir Vince Cable
Amy Callaghan
Lord Campbell-Savours
Ivor Caplin
Neil Carmichael
Lord Carrington of Fulham
John Cartwright
Roger Casale
Sir William Cash CH
Miriam Cates
Maria Caulfield 
Baroness Chalker of Wallasey
Colin Challen
Ben Chapman
Michael Clapham
Rehman Chishti
Lord Clark of Windermere
Charles Clarke
Eric Clarke
Theodore Clarke
Lord Clarke of Nottingham
David Clelland
Elliot Colburn 
Dr Tony Colman
David Congdon
Anthony Coombs
Simon Coombs
Lord Cope of Berkeley
Robert Courts
Baroness Corston
John Corrie
Ross Cranston
Mary Creagh
Virginia Crosbie 
Ann Cryer
Edwina Currie-Jones
David Curry
Claire Curtis-Thomas



Sir Nicholas Dakin
Simon Danczuk 
Keith Darvill
Valerie Davey
James Davies 
Lord Davies of Oldham
Hilton Dawson
Eric Deakins
Janet Dean
Nick de Bois
Emma Dent Coad
Parmjit Dhanda
Andrew Dismore
Jonathan Djanogly
Allan Dorans
Den Dover
Jim Dowd
Dame Jackie Doyle-Price DBE
Lord Dubs
Sir James Duddridge KCMG
Sir Patrick Duffy
Sir Alan Duncan
Philip Dunne 



Geoff Edge
Huw Edwards
Ruth Edwards 
Tim Eggar
Dame Louise Ellman
Jeff Ennis
George Eustice
Roger Evans



Sir Michael Fallon
Paul Farrelly
Stephen Farry
Tony Favell
Simon Fell
Anna Firth
Jim Fitzpatrick
Lord Flight
Adrian Flook
Baroness Fookes
Barbara Follett
Michael Jabez Foster
Lord Foulkes of Cumnock
Lucy Frazer
Lord Freeman
Mike Freer
Douglas French


Neil Gerrard
Peter Gibson
Parmjit Singh Gill
Linda Gilroy
Baroness Golding
Helen Goodman 
Sir Robert Goodwill
Eileen Gordon
Patrick Grady
Richard Graham
Bill Grant
Peter Grant
William Grant
James Gray
Damian Green 
John Greenway
Conal Gregory
Nigel Griffiths
Win Griffiths
Lord Grocott
Patrick Ground KC
Jonathan Gullis
Sam Gyimah



Lord Hain
Robert Halfon
Mike Hall
Neil Hamilton
Lord Hamilton of Epsom
Lord Hammond of Runnymede
Stephen Hammond
Dr Keith Hampson
Greg Hands 
Matt Hancock
Mike Hancock
Sir Jeremy Hanley
Sir John Hannam
Lord Hanson
Mark Harper
Tom Harris
Trudy Harrison 
Sally-Ann Hart 
Dai Harvard
Robert Harvey
Nick Hawkins
Jerry Hayes
Baroness Hayman
Lord Hayward
Dame Sylvia Heal
Sir Oliver Heald
Peter Heaton-Jones
John Hemming
Barry Henderson
Doug Henderson
Gordon Henderson
Ivan Henderson
Charles Hendry
Stanley Henig
Darren Henry
John Heppell
David Heyes
Lord Higgins
Keith Hill
David Hinchliffe
Sir Michael Hirst
Mark Hoban 
Viscount Hailsham KC
Kelvin Hopkins
Lord Horam
Sir George Hollingbery
David Howarth
George Howarth
​Sir Gerald Howarth
John Howell  
Dr Kim Howells
Bob Hughes
Jane Hunt
Lord Hunt of Wirral
Andrew Hunter
Mark Hunter



Dr Brian Iddon
Adam Ingram
Michael Irvine



Helen Jackson
David Jamieson
Tim Janman
Mark Jenkinson
Melanie Johnson
David Ian Jones
Gwilym Jones
Helen Jones
Lynne Jones
Martyn Jones
Susan Elan Jones
David Ian Jones



Daniel Kawczynski
Sally Keeble
Jane Kennedy
Seema Kennedy
Lord Kilclooney
Lord King of Bridgewater
Roger King
Lord Kinnock
Roger Knapman
Angela Knight
Michael Knowles



Dr Stephen Ladyman
Jacqui Lait
Robert Largan
Pauline Latham
Jackie Lawrence
Sir Ivan Lawrence KC
Bob Laxton
Lord Lee of Trafford
Jeremy Lefroy
David Lepper
Tom Levitt
Ian Levy
Terry Lewis
Ian Liddell-Grainger
Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke
Sir David Lidington
Sir Peter Lloyd
Chris Loder
Naomi Long MLA
Tim Loughton
Andy Love
Ian Lucas
Iain Luke
Holly Lynch
Liz Lynne



Dr Calum MacDonald
Sir Neil Macfarlane
Lord MacGregor of Pulham Market
Cherilyn Mackrory 
Rachel Maclean
Dr Denis MacShane
Fiona Mactaggart
Sir David Madel
Lady Olga Maitland
Sir John Major
Humfrey Malins
Gerald Malone
Scott Mann
Keith Mans
Gordon Marsden
Paul Marsden
Dr John Marek
John Marshall
Bob Marshall-Andrews KC
Eric Martlew
Sandy Martin
Michael Mates
Dr Tania Mathias
Lord Maxton
Christine McCafferty
Rev the Lord McCrea of Magherafelt and Cookstown
Sarah McCarthy-Fry
Gregg McClymont
Lord McFall of Alcluith
Dame Anne McGuire
Jim McGovern
Ann McKechin
Rosemary McKenna
Anne McLaughlin
John McNally
Tony McWalter
Michael Meadowcroft
Baroness Merron
Stephen Metcalfe
Alun Michael
Stratton Mills
Anne Milton
Madeleine Moon
Michael Moore
Julie Morgan AM
Baroness Morgan of Cotes
Elliot Morley
Anne Marie Morris
David Morris   
Baroness Morris of Yardley
George Morton
Stephen Mosley
Malcolm K Moss
David Mowat
George Mudie
Greg Mulholland
Chris Mullin
Sheryll Murray



Sir Robert Neill 
Lord Naseby
Anthony Nelson
Brooks Newmark
Sarah Newton
Patrick Nicholls
Lia Nici 
Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne
David Nicholson
Steven Norris



Mike O'Brien KC
Sandra Osborne



Sir James Paice
Lord Patten
Lord Patten of Barnes
Elizabeth Peacock
Andrew Percy
Linda Perham
Claire Perry
Colin Pickthall
Kerry Pollard
Alexander Pollock
Chris Pond
Stephen Pound
Rebecca Pow
Bridget Prentice
Gordon Prentice
Victoria Prentis
Lord Prescott
Mark Prisk
Gwyn Prosser



Baroness Quin
Will Quince
Lawrie Quinn



Lord Randall of Uxbridge
Syd Rapson
Faisal Rashid
Nick Raynsford
Andy Reed
Christina Rees 
Willie Rennie MSP
Graham Riddick
Sir Hugh Robertson
Lord Robertson of Port Ellen
Lord Rodgers of Quarry Bank
Dame Marion Roe
Lord Rooker
Paul Rowen
Chris Ruane
Dame Joan Ruddock
Christine Russell
Dean Russell
David Rutley



Sir Timothy Sainsbury
The Marquess of Salisbury
Adrian Sanders
Laura Sandys
Malcolm Savidge
Andy Sawford 
Selaine Saxby 
Virendra Sharma
Jonathan Shaw
Barry Sheerman
Debra Shipley
Fred Silvester
Sir Roger Sims
Baroness Smith of Basildon
Chloe Smith 
Geraldine Smith
Henry Smith
John Smith
Owen Smith
Lord Smith of Finsbury Sir Robert Smith
Tim Smith
Lord Snape
Anne Snelgrove
Gareth Snell
Lord Soames of Fletching
Lord Soley
Dame Caroline Spelman
Robin Squire
Alexander Stafford
Dr Phyllis Starkey
Anthony Steen
Michael Stephen
Michael Stern
David Stewart
Iain Stewart
Dr Howard Stoate
Dr Gavin Strang
Jack Straw
Baroness Stuart of Edgbaston                                                                                                                  David Sumberg
Hugo Summerson
Gerry Sutcliffe
Ian Swales
Walter Sweeney
John Sykes



Dari Taylor
Ian Taylor
Baroness Taylor of Bolton
Mike Thomas
Owen Thompson
Patrick Thompson
Sir Neil Thorne
Sir Malcolm Thornton
Maggie Throup OBE
Edward Timpson CBE
Paddy Tipping
Kelly Tolhurst
Lord Tope
Lord Touhig
David Tredinnick
Anne-Marie Trevelyan
Lord Tugendhat
Andrew Turner
Dr Des Turner
Stephen Twigg
Dr Ian Twinn
Bill Tynan



Kitty Ussher



Lord Vaizey of Didcot
Theresa Villiers 



Lord Wakeham
Terry Walker
Joan Walley
Robert Walter
Claire Ward
Gareth Wardell
Matt Warman
Nigel Waterson
Dame Angela Watkinson
Giles Watling
John Watson
Ken Weetch
Michael Weir
Bowen Wells
Sir John Wheeler
Frank White
Dr Philippa Whitford
Craig Whittaker
Ann Widdecombe
Lord Wigley
Alan Lee Williams
Betty Williams
Craig Williams 
Brian Wilson
Lady Winterton
Sir Nicholas Winterton
Shaun Woodward
William Wragg
Tony Wright
Derek Wyatt
Ieuan Wyn Jones



Lord Young of Cookham

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