Thu, 13 March 2025
The MPA Agenda

MPA's Priorites for Government 

Mineral products are essential to our construction and manufacturing industries, to our economy and to our everyday lives. Of the two billion tonnes of all materials we typically use every year in the UK, mineral products (at 250 million tonnes or 13 per cent) are the biggest material flow.

The mineral products industry has much to offer in the next five years. We will be in the engine room as the nation recovers from an unprecedented period of recession and negligible growth. Our relationship with Government is crucial. Delivery of its aspirations for the built and natural environments is heavily dependent upon our contribution. We will play our part – but we need support from Government and a willingness to tackle several crucial issues.

Read the MPA's Priorities for Government HERE.

Minerals Strategy 

The minerals and mineral products industry is essential to the economy and our quality of life. Minerals and mineral products represent the largest material flow in the economy at around 1 million tonnes per day in a typical year and should not be taken for granted. Too often policy makers assume supply, failing to appreciate the role and importance of the industry; provision of mineral resources has to be planned, monitored and managed.

Read MPA's 'UK Minerals Strategy; here. 

Profile of the Industry 

This publication provides readers with a unique source of information on the Mineral Products Industry, including the latest statistics, to illustrate the changing patterns in the way we produce and consume our minerals and the manufactured products derived from them. As Government reduces support for data collection and consolidation relating to our minerals, the MPA data will increasingly help fill the gap. 

Read MPA's 'Profile of the Industry' here. 


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