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By Lord Watson of Wyre Forest
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Boris Johnson awards peerages to Tory donors and Brexit supporters

2 min read

Boris Johnson has nominated a string of top Tory donors and Brexit supporters for seats in the House of Lords, it has been reported.

According to The Times, the list includes City grandee Peter Cruddas, who donated £50,000 to Mr Johnsons leadership campaign and has given over £3million to the Conservatives since 2007.

Billionaire businessman Michael Spencer, a former Tory treasurer who has given around £5million to the party, is also one of the 28 names put forward for peerages by the Prime Minister.

Jon Moyniham, who chaired Vote Leave's finance committee and donated £100,000 to Mr Johnson’s leadership bid, is also on the list, alongside former Daily Telegraph editor Charles Moore and ex-Tory MEP Dan Hannan.

Meanwhile James Wharton, a former Tory MP who was also involved in Mr Johnson’s leadership bid is also set to be ennobled.

Mr Cruddas's nomination was forced to resign as the Conservative Party's co-treasurer in 2012 following a cash-for-access scandal.

It was reported by The Sunday Times that Mr Cruddas had offered access to then PM David Cameron in return for a £250,000 donation to the party.

But he successfully sued the paper for libel, and his conduct was exonerated by the Electoral Commission.

Mr Spencer was first tipped for the Lords by David Cameron in 2016, but his nomination was rejected as his company had received a £55million fine three years earlier for rate rigging.

Mr Johnson has also nominated former Chancellors Philip Hammond and Ken Clarke, despite their previous criticism of him.

Former Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson - another frequent critic of the Prime Minister - is also on the list.

The House of Lords Appointments Commission will consider Mr Johnson’s nominations next week.

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