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Boris Johnson 'stable and in good spirits' after night in intensive care, Downing Street says

Boris Johnson was admitted to intensive care on Monday evening

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Boris Johnson is "stable and in good spirits" after his first night in intensive care being treated for the coronavirus.

The Prime Minister's official spokesperman also denied claims that Mr Johnson needed a ventilator, insisting he was recieving "standard oxygen treatment".

Mr Johnson was moved to the intensive care unit at St Thomas' Hospital in London on Monday evening after his condition "worsened".

The PM was initially diagnosed with the potentially-deadly disease 12 days ago.

In a briefing with journalists, Mr Johnson's spokesman said: "The Prime Minister has been stable overnight and remains in good spirits.

"He is recieving standard oxygen treatment and breathing without any other assistance. He has not required mechanical ventilation or non-invasive respiratory support."

Asked about reports that Mr Johnson had been diagnosed with pneumonia, the spokesman said: "That is not the case, no."

But he insisted Mr Johnson was not being given any special treatment at the hospital, saying there was "significant spare capacity" in intensive care units across the country, including supplies of ventilators, should the Prime Minister require further medical interventions.

Mr Johnson's responsibilities have been passed to Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab in his absence.

Meanwhile, it has also emerged that Michael Gove has become the latest Cabinet minister to be affected by the illness after he was forced to go into self-isolation for 14 days after a family member displayed symptoms.

Asked about the mood in government after Mr Johnson's admission to intensive care, the spokesman said: "Everyone is very clear about what needs to be done and determined to get on with the work that the Prime Minister has asked them to do.

"The mood is absolutely determined. We are entirely focused on trying to slow the spread of the pandemic, increase the capacity of the NHS, protect the economy and jobs and ultimately to save lives."

It comes as world leaders sent their best wishes to the Prime Minister, with US President Donald Trump saying he hoped his "really good friend" would have a speedy recovery.

The US leader also revealed he had instructed American doctors to contact the NHS to offer Mr Johnson a "complex treatment of things they've just recently developed".

But the spokesperson batted away suggestions the Prime Minister could be given the experimental treatments, saying he was getting the "best possible care" from the NHS.

He added: "We are grateful for all of the warm wishes the Prime Minister has recieved overnight. We are confident that the Prime Minister is recieving the best possible care from the National Health Service.

"Any treatment which he recieves is a matter for his doctors."

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