EHRC response to OBR forecast
Rebecca Hilsenrath, Chief Executive
| Equality and Human Rights Commission
1 min read
If the OBR forecasts are correct, the difficult economic decisions that will need to be taken must seek to ensure that existing inequalities are not exacerbated and cemented into our economy for the future.
We know that certain groups, such as disabled people, women and those from some ethnic minority communities, are over-represented in low-paid and insecure employment and are already facing disproportionate economic, social and health pressures as a result of Coronavirus.
If the OBR forecasts are correct, the difficult economic decisions that will need to be taken must seek to ensure that existing inequalities are not exacerbated and cemented into our economy for the future.
The EHRC has previously produced research on the changes to taxes and social security which showed those who face the most disadvantage in society were the hardest hit by changes.