FMB respond to the revised NPPF
1 min read
Brian Berry, Chief Executive of the Federation of Master Builders (FMB) has responded to the revised NPPF.
This new NPPF marks a welcome sea change for small and medium-sized house builders, and its positive approach to smaller scale development is extremely welcome.
For too long, smaller sites have been the poor relations of the planning system. Local plans have tended to be overwhelmingly focused on large strategic sites.
As a result, smaller, locally-based house builders, that build out the smaller sites, have reported declining opportunities and have faced high levels of uncertainty when bringing forward planning applications.
In contrast to what’s come before, the new planning rulebook requires local authorities to take an affirmative approach to smaller sites and accept the need to provide opportunities to a range of different house builders.
In particular, the requirement for local authorities to identify sites of one hectare or less to accommodate at least ten percent of their housing delivery could be a real game changer for housing delivery.
This should ensure an ongoing pipeline of opportunities for smaller scale development, helping to support a wider range of builders and a more diverse, more competitive, housing supply. Smaller sites will also tend to deliver new homes faster and in more sustainable locations.
This is something that everybody should welcome.