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By Lord Watson of Wyre Forest
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Former Labour peer Lord Sugar urges voters to back Conservatives in general election

2 min read

Former Labour peer Lord Sugar has called on voters to back the Conservatives at the general election.

The Apprentice star said the Tories would get Brexit "over with" as he predicted a Labour government would lead to "economic chaos".

Lord Sugar, who was appointed to the Lords by Gordon Brown but now sits as a crossbencher, also said a Labour defeat could lead to Jeremy Corbyn being replaced by a "sensible person" who could restore the party's fortunes.

His intervention follows a string of former Labour frontbenchers, including Ian Austin, Tom Harris and Ivan Lewis, all backing the Tories.

Writing in the Sun, Lord Sugar said: “Jeremy Corbyn has turned Labour into a negative anti-business party that is clueless on how the economy works.

“His £1.2trillion spending splurge is complete madness. His spending plans would create economic chaos.

“With his barmy idea of a four day working week and other madcap schemes, his numbers simply don’t add up.”

He added: "As a former Jewish Labour man, this is a difficult thing for me to write.

"On Thursday, it’s time for Sun readers to tell Corbyn to resign and get a sensible person to take the helm and make Labour great again."

Lord Sugar also rejected accusations that he was acting in self-interest as a multi-millionaire businessman, given Labour's vow to increase income tax on high earners.

“Corbyn getting into power would affect everyone, from the person earning minimum living wage up to the CEOs of Britain’s biggest companies,” he said.

“He’ll clobber ordinary people, young and old, with sky-rocketing taxes: holiday tax, higher petrol tax, pensions tax or a tax for drivers. You name it, he wants to tax it.”

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