GMB calls on Uber to demonstrate its new humility by coming clean on driver hours in the UK
2 min read
The reason Uber won't come clean on this is that it would expose the reality that the 40,000 drivers would be working just over four hours per week says GMB.
GMB comments on the latest set of accounts, for year ending 31 December 2016, released by Uber London, the UK operating company.
Maria Ludkin, GMB Legal Director said:
"Uber could demonstrate its new found humility shown to the Mayor of London by showing a bit of transparency in its UK accounts.
“Uber gives the impression that it has an income of £36.9m in the UK by selling unspecified services to other Uber overseas companies - in other words it is an exporter of services from the UK. What a pile of tosh.
“In fact, Uber sends all the fare income made in the UK to a company in Holland.
"This Dutch company pays 75% of this income to drivers in the UK. GMB is working on the basis that the other 25% is the commission to Uber that comes back to the UK and makes up the lion’s share of Uber income in the UK.
“The reason Uber won't come clean on this is that it would expose the reality that the 40,000 drivers would be working just over four hours per week for Uber. So much for 40,000 jobs being on the line.
“It is high time that Uber stopped the spinning and came clean on what hours its drivers work each week.”