Sun, 2 June 2024

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John Bercow confirms voters to be given chance to unseat convicted Tory MP

2 min read

Voters will get the chance to oust a Tory MP after he was convicted of filing false expenses claims, John Bercow has confirmed. 

Chris Davies was fined £1,500 and ordered to carry out 50 hours' community service at Southwark Crown Court on Tuesday.

The Commons Speaker told MPs that a recall petition will now be held in his Brecon and Radnorshire constituency.

That means a by-election will be held in the seat if 10% of those eligible to vote back one.

Mr Davies admitted two charges of submitting expenses claims which he knew to be “false or misleading”.

Mr Bercow said: “I have received a communication this afternoon from Southwark Crown Court informing me that Chris Davies, the member for Brecon and Radnorshire, has been convicted of providing false or misleading information for a parliamentary allowances claim.

“Since Mr Davies pleaded guilty there can be no appeal against conviction.

“This notification accordingly triggers the provisions of the Recall of MPs Act 2015 and I will accordingly be writing to the relevant petition officer to inform that person that Chris Davies is now subject to a recall petition process.

“It will be for that officer to make the arrangements for the petition.”

A Conservative spokesman said Mr Davies had been issued with a "formal warning" by chief whip Julian Smith.

He added: "What is important now is that the voters have a chance to deliver their verdict on whether or not they will support him to be their member of Parliament."

Mr Davies is the third MP in parliamentary history to face the recall move.

Peterborough MP Fiona Onasanya is currently facing the petition bid which stays open for six weeks.

Ian Paisley, the MP for North Antrim, was also confronted with the process last year, but survived after not enough of his constituents signed the petition to trigger a by-election.

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