Sat, 1 June 2024

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By Baroness Smith of Llanfaes
Press releases

Labour to roll out free breakfasts under multi-million pound plan to 'poverty proof' schools

2 min read

A Labour government would roll out free, healthy breakfasts to all primary school children in a multi-million pound plan to “poverty proof” schools, Angela Rayner has announced.

Secondary school pupils whose families are in receipt of Universal Credit would also receive a free lunch under the plans.

Shadow Education Secretary Ms Rayner said the cost of uniforms would also be capped, while school opening hours would be extended to give pupils access to extra sport and healthy meals after lessons.

In addition, the Education Maintenance Allowance wiould be increased to £35 a week for disadvantaged teenagers in further education.

Cuts to the Pupil Premium - extra funding given to headteachers for each pupil they have from a disadvantaged background - would also be reversed under a Labour government.

The announcement comes after the Resolution Foundation think tank warned taht child poverty could rise to a “record high” if the Conservatives win the general election. 

Ms Rayner said: "Rising child poverty under the Tories is an absolute scandal, and it is a disgrace that their plans will push it to a 60 year high if they win this election,” she said.

"Labour will tackle child poverty while driving up standards in schools by providing extra support to the children who need it most.

"Labour will invest in both our schools and the children in them, to transform the life chances of a generation being failed by the Tories.”

Labour has already announced plans to recruit another 20,000 teachers in order to cap class sizes at 30 pupils.

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