Sat, 1 June 2024

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Voters urge MPs to back new Brexit deal in Commons crunch vote, new poll finds

2 min read

MPs are being urged by the public to back Boris Johnson’s new Brexit deal in Saturday's historic Commons vote.

A new poll has found 41% of Brits want Parliament to pass the new Withdrawal Agreement from Brussels, compared to 24% who want it to be rejected.

The research by YouGov come as the Prime Minister is scrambling to get enough MPs to back the revised deal struck with the EU on Thursday.

According to the findings 67% of Leave voters and nearly a quarter - 24% - of Remainers want the plan to go through, compared to 10% and 41% respectively, who are against it.

Conservative voters overwhelmingly back Mr Johnson with 71% supporting the deal, while a quarter of Labour and Lib Dem supporters want MPs to get the agreement over the line.

Meanwhile, in the Leave camp, 48% would prefer the PM’s deal compared to 33% for pushing no-deal, but more Brexit-backers didn’t know enough to form an opinion on the deal (39%), than those who thought it was a good deal (31%).

YouGov’s political research manager, Chris Curtis, said: “While any honeymoon period may end up being brief for this deal, it has so far been well received by the public. 

“Unlike when Theresa May bought back her initial deal, Boris Johnson has managed to win over the support of many Leave voters who previously favoured leaving without a deal and even a sizeable minority of Remain voters want this deal to get over the line. 

“However, when it comes to the details of the deal, almost half don’t yet have an opinion on how good it is, so the Prime Ministers ability to sell his arrangement over the coming days will be critical.”

It is understood if the Government fails to secure enough support, Boris Johnson will move to trigger a general election, as well as being forced to request a Brexit delay.

In the event that the deal passes, the poll found that 50% of the country believe it is acceptable to delay Brexit for a few weeks in order to push through needed legislation.

But 28% refused the idea.

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