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Speaking ahead of today’s Westminster Hall debate, SNP MP Owen Thompson explains how the media could play a defining role in reviving democratic participation.
Another day, another horrific poll for Scottish Labour.
Ahead of today's third reading of the Immigration Bill, Baroness Lister calls for the Home Office and DWP must work together to prevent refugees granted asylum from destitution due to ‘move-on’ issues.
In the forward from Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General, the Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP confirms the issues this consultation looks to address “When data is used effectively, everyone benefits from better services that can be delivered at a lower cost to taxpayers.
In light of pollsters’ failure to predict the 2015 General Election result, the University of Exeter is training computers to correct ‘misreporting’ by cross-examining responses from a larger pool of online surveys.
The benefits of taking action to encourage more older and disabled people to use apps to improve their public transport experience are highlighted in a report published today.
Changes to housing benefit could mean homeless people are turned away from over-stretched shelters this winter.
Ed Miliband’s benefit reform proposals "don’t go far enough", according to a leading mental health charity.
Men are getting a 'raw deal' despite tough equality legislation, Dominic Raab MP writes as he calls for an end to 'feminist bigotry'.